Teenage Balance
Tweens, Teens and Young Adults - Healing Video for Hormone Balance, Anxiety, Depression Etc..
Do you have a tween, teen or young adult who displays mood swings as a result of hormonal imbalance? Who seems anxious and has low self confidence?
Wouldn’t it be great to find a drug free approach to assisting these guys in feeling better about themselves? In clearing up hormone induced skin conditions which add to feelings of inadequacy around their peers? Or just to boosting their overall levels of happiness and coping mechanisms?
Well, this is precisely the reason I have created this healing video.
Its always been in me to want to help people in my life, ever since I was a kid and now I am finding myself in a place where I can share everything I have learned in my years, both in personal and professional circumstances and situations, that have helped me to retain a sense of SELF.
Teen Balance Healing is a healing video which has been specifically designed to assist our tweens, teens and young adults with the trials and current issues that they are facing on a daily basis in todays reality.
In my experience, many teens are experiencing Anxiety, which is often fuelled by social expectations/conditioning, peer pressure, school and learning expectations and unexplained mood swings(quite possibly hormonal).
Unfortunately Anxiety is the precursor for lacking a Sense of Self, which is integral to feeling the confidence within to achieve goals and dreams in life.
Hormone imbalance is another issue that most tweens, teens and young adults face daily, from having acne in visible places like the face and neck (which also affects levels of confidence, as teens badly affected with acne, tend to begin avoiding other people like the plague), to mood swings, excessive hair growth, sleeplessness, or excessive sleeping, excessive sweating and more...
One of the healing's focuses is on balancing hormones so that the emotional and physical symptoms are energetically treated and your teen is provided with an ability to control their moods and emotions, and even experience clearer skin which will undoubtedly improve your teens level of self confidence.
In this Healing, I address all of these issues, removing the energetic root cause of all damage and trauma which is affecting the body and energy body, to produce clearer and more balanced decision making processes and an overall happier and more confident teen.
Isn't that what we all want for our kids?
I can't wait to hear from you and I doubly can't wait to hear about how this healing has helped your teen...
Your Instructor
Ever since I was a young child, I have regularly found myself in a position of soothing a troubled friend or providing a sounding board for them. I was being a Soul coach, without even realising!
As I got older I finally recognised that all my life I had been soul coaching people. This is when I found myself very drawn to natural healing, crystals and energy work. I felt like a moth to a flame when surrounded with alternative styles of life.
I always had an innate knowledge within me that I was here to help, to heal and to transform. I knew I had something important to offer.
Following golden threads throughout my life, I one day discovered a healing modality which was to change my life forever and it seemed to fit me like a glove.I have been a Holographic Soul Practitioner now for more than 6 years. This quantum healing modality finally gave me the tools I needed to provide the level of care that my soul so heavily craved to provide.
Since having these tools to heal people and heal myself, I have been so honoured to watch the amazing transformation of so many people who have come to me for help.
My greatest wish is to teach as many people as possible how to look after their own energy, so they can live in full alignment with their souls truth and enjoy the endless possibilities that life has to offer, whilst stepping into their greatest potential and finally living the life that they are here to live!!
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
So we know that everything is energy, and that everything has a vibration right? At school we learn that E=mc2, but then that is it, no-one ever taught us anything more about energy, beyond that sum ....
BUT..... We all know what someone means when they say "I am feeling the vibes"... right?
So do you believe in energy?!!
Energy medicine is simply us tapping into the part of ourselves that already knows how to heal ourselves, tapping into those stores of knowledge that have been locked away for so many lifetimes. It's remembering who we really are at soul level and using that knowledge and power to create an existence for ourselves which matches our souls truth.
So If you feel that your tween, teen or young adult could do with a boost of confidence, a balance in crazy raging hormones or an adjustment to their sense of self, or all of the above.... what exactly have you got to lose?
I understand... energy medicine is not always the first place people look when they are seeking help. We have been conditioned to think that energy medicine is just a bunch of hippy woo woo garbage.
But... I challenge you to challenge that old, outdated belief system, and give yourself permission to do this.... because YOU ARE WORTH IT... OUR TEENS ARE WORTH IT... and this world that they are about to inherit.... IS WORTH IT...